What if we stopped mining and drilling for energy and started harvesting it, instead?

What if we stopped mining and drilling for energy and started harvesting it, instead?

What if… we could harness the mechanical vibrations of everyday objects we interact with and turn it into electrical energy? What if the fibers moving around in the pockets of our favorite shirts and pants could charge our cell phones while wearing them, or the motor mounts in our cars were also energy-reaping shock absorbers that re-charged the car battery while also powering other devices?

Running to Fail? Or Building Our Future!

Running to Fail? Or Building Our Future!

There is an ongoing, slow erosion of the economy. . . Even as the burdens of growing waste and the cost of climate change continue to grow. The good news is that the Biden Infrastructure Plan is a step forward that might bolster our lagging infrastructure and weakened economy to a positive benefit. But it is just a down payment on the scale of effort needed if we are to succeed as a nation. Indeed, as a global economy!