if you would like to apply to be an exhibitor |
The Expo is open to the public and free for attendees.
The 21st Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum will bring together 30-40 businesses, trade associations, and government agencies to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. In every state across the country, these technologies are having a significant impact in business development and job creation in the manufacturing, transmission, power, transportation, and building sectors. The bipartisan House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus is the Expo’s honorary co-host.
Learn more by checking out highlights from last year’s expo.
WHENThursday, July 11, 20199:30 am – 4:30 pm |
WHERERayburn House Office BuildingRayburn FoyerRayburn Gold Room (2168)C Street SE and South Capitol StreetWashington DC |
If you would like to apply to be an exhibitor, please contact the Expo coordinator, Rebecca Blood, orregister online.
Registrations will be considered until all available exhibit spaces are filled.