Energy Productivity Remains Our First Resource

All interactions of matter involve, and indeed require, energy. This is true whether the many different energy flows drive earthquakes, enable the movement of planets, or spark the various biological and industrial processes at work anywhere in the world. It is energy which animates life, labor, and capital.

In a critically important way, we can think of our nation’s economy as a demand for overall energy services—even if those services are provided by a variety of physical energy assets, or by greater levels of energy productivity. In other words, demand for all energy services can be provided by tons of coal, kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, and gallons of gasoline; or the demand for those services can be met by the use of more efficient refrigerators, higher performance air conditioners and lighting systems, or greater fuel economy within trucks and cars.

Since 1950 the US population increased by a factor of just over two, while our overall Gross Domestic Product, or GDP (measured in constant or real dollars), expanded by a factor of eight. Total energy consumption, however, rose by only 2.7 times since 1950. As the chart below suggests, whether conventional fossil fuel and nuclear resources, or renewable energy supply, our nation’s physical energy assets sustained only 33 percent of our total demand for energy services, and only 24 percent of any new demand for energy services after 1950. On the other hand, energy productivity satisfied 67 percent of total US energy service demand and 76 percent of all new energy service demands.

As defined here, Energy Productivity is scale of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) supported by primary or total energy consumption. Data made available by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that the American economy grew from $2,290 billion in 1950 to $18,409 billion by 2020 (that is, GDP as measured in constant 2012 dollars). In effect, the US economy was 8.04 times bigger by 2020 compared to 1950. Converting these values to an index in which 1950 is 100, the 2020 index is then 804.

In 1950, total primary energy consumption in the US was 34.6 quadrillion Btus, or quads. As of 2020, the use of energy grew to only 92.7 quads.¹ Thus, while the economy expanded by a factor of just over 8, total energy demand grew only 2.7 times. In 1950, the consumption of one million Btus (MBtu) of total energy supported only $66 of economic activity (or GDP expressed in constant 2012 dollars). That scale of energy productivity enabled an average personal income of about $10,700 in 1950 (also expressed in 2012 dollars). By 2020 one million Btus of energy supported both $199 of GDP with an average income of nearly $47,800 per year.² If an economy requires less energy to support more economic output, energy productivity has improved. Three key categories are responsible for the improvement in US energy productivity since the 1950s: 

The first is energy efficiency improvements at the end-use level. This includes more efficient lighting, heating and air-conditioning, appliances, and other equipment within homes and businesses. It also includes the use of more efficient vehicles and industrial processes. 

The second category is improving efficiency of electricity generation. Combustion generation technologies now require about 2.9 kilowatt-hour of heat equivalent to produce one kilowatt-hour of electricity delivered to the home or business. Clean and renewable energy systems require far less primary energy per kWh. The shift underway to wind and photovoltaic (solar) systems could eliminate as much as 23.4 quadrillion Btus of energy (or Quads) while continuing to meet the nation’s electricity requirements. On average, that might reduce total energy demand by about 23 percent of current and future energy requirements through the year 2050 while still delivering the same amount of electricity that might be otherwise needed. 

The third category is the more productive use of capital, materials, chemicals and water. By reducing the aggregate waste in all of those categories, less energy is necessary to transform such resources into the desired goods and services and distribute them in ways that support our social and economic well-being. 

Adding up all of these three elements—(i) higher end-use energy efficiency, (ii) greater deployment of renewables; and (iii) reduced waste in the use of all other resources—can significantly lower total energy needs even as the nation’s economy can become a more robust and more. And as we have seen, Energy Productivity has already been the single biggest contributor to our nation’s economic well-being, providing three times the benefit of all new energy resources. And especially as we confront the growing burden of climate change, as well as a less robust economy, it is both greater energy productivity and renewable energy options that must lead the way.

For those who might want to explore some of this perspective a bit further, see my brief working paper on Energy as Work: Estimating Exergy Efficiency for the U.S. and the Global Economy.

Whether conventional energy or renewable energy supplies, physical energy assets sustained only 24% of new demands for energy services since 1950. Greater energy productivity, on the other hand, satisfied 76% of all new energy service demands.

5 Drawing from information published by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), one quadrillion (1015) Btus is sufficient energy to meet the need of about 5.9 million homes and power about 17.2 million cars, both for one year.
6 Again, drawing from information published by the EIA we learn that one million British Thermal Units (MBtu) is equal to 8.6 gallons of gasoline or 293 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

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Energy Productivity Remains Our First Resource